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Classes of 1960 – 1970 now have a Networking site. When you join this network you will have a customizable profile page and will be able to message other Alumni direct, add blogs, photos, forums, etc.
Wanted to let Class of 65 members know we WILL NOT HAVE a 45th reunion on September 4, 2010 as previously planned. Committee members Nancy Mullis Orr, Jean Tryon Burgess, Steve Walton, Mike Fusco, and Sharleen Dixon Brookshire) decided not to have it because cost of renting a room, meal, etc., was fairly expensive, only 45 including spouses attended our 41st, and there was just a 1960-1970 reunion in 2009. Therefore, we decided to wait until our 50th in 2015. The Elks refunded the amount we paid for the room, which wasn't required for our 41st. The committee members hated to do it was unanimous. If anyone has ideas for our 50th including where to have it, format, etc., please respond on this website or email Sharleen at Thanks. Sharleen